Two State Education Leaders Join Chiefs for Change

Chiefs for Change
August 16, 2017

Chiefs for Change CEO Mike Magee today announced that two new schools Chiefs have joined the coalition of leaders dedicated to excellence and equity for all students. The new members, Katy Anthes in Colorado and Christopher Ruszkowski in New Mexico, are both state-level education Chiefs.

“For our country to thrive, we need the best people leading our state education systems. These Chiefs demonstrate that when effective leaders advance bold policies, we see better outcomes for kids,” John White, CFC Board Chair and Louisiana State Superintendent of Education, said. “We look forward to continuing to work closely with them.”

Chiefs for Change now has 24 active members, 8 at the state level and 16 at the district level. 46% of members are women, and 62% are leaders of color. Chiefs for Change members lead systems that serve 5.3 million students with 330,000 teachers in 10,000 schools.

“We’re thrilled to welcome our two newest members into this diverse community where courageous, effective current Chiefs share ideas and offer each other advice and support — and where Future Chiefs learn what they’ll need to hit the ground running,” Magee said.

Ruszkowski was part of the first cohort of Chiefs for Change’s Future Chiefs program. He recently assumed a Chief role as Acting Secretary in New Mexico, succeeding former Secretary and Chiefs for Change member Hanna Skandera after working alongside her as Deputy Secretary for Policy & Program.

Ruszkowski emphasized the value of collaborating with and serving under fellow Chiefs: “The wisdom and experience I’ve gained from exposure to the country’s most transformative Chiefs has been essential to my development as an educator and systems leader. Working in the cabinets of leaders with deep convictions, like former New Mexico Secretary Hanna Skandera and former Delaware Secretary Mark Murphy, over the past several years, shadowing Superintendent Deborah Gist in Tulsa, and being part of a community of diverse and innovative practitioners through Chiefs for Change has created opportunities for constant learning and exposure to 21st century solutions. As someone who believes deeply in public service and good government, I’m honored to be invited and look forward to continuing to serve under Governor Martinez and on behalf of the children of New Mexico.”

Anthes has also engaged with Chiefs for Change members in identifying key ways to advocate for excellence for all students. “I’m excited to continue working with fellow state and district Chiefs from around the country. Chiefs for Change members are courageous, effective, and laser-focused on students. It is a privilege to join their ranks and come together as a community to advocate for excellence and equity for all of our students,” Anthes said.

Chiefs for Change now has 26 members:

  • Malika Anderson:  Superintendent of the Achievement School District, Tennessee
  • Katy Anthes:  Commissioner of Education, Colorado
  • Robert Avossa:  Superintendent of Palm Beach County Schools, Florida
  • Desmond K. Blackburn:  Superintendent of Brevard County Schools, Florida
  • Tom Boasberg:  Superintendent of Denver Public Schools, Colorado
  • Steve Canavero:  Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nevada
  • Christopher D. Cerf:  Superintendent of Newark Public Schools, New Jersey
  • Tommy Chang:  Superintendent of Boston Public Schools, Massachusetts
  • Veronica Conforme:  Former Chancellor of the Education Achievement Authority, Michigan
  • Lewis D. Ferebee:  Superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools, Indiana
  • Deborah A. Gist:  Superintendent of Tulsa Public Schools, Oklahoma
  • William R. Hite, Jr.:  Superintendent of the School District of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Barbara Jenkins:  Superintendent of Orange County Schools, Florida
  • Hanseul Kang:  State Superintendent of Education, District of Columbia
  • Christina M. Kishimoto:  Superintendent, Hawaii
  • Pedro Martinez:  Superintendent of San Antonio Independent School District, Texas
  • Candice McQueen:  Commissioner of Education, Tennessee
  • Kunjan Narechania:  Chief Executive Officer of the Recovery School District, Louisiana
  • Paymon Rouhanifard:  Superintendent of Camden City School District, New Jersey
  • Robert W. Runcie:  Superintendent of Broward County Schools, Florida
  • Christopher Ruszkowski:  Acting Secretary of Education, New Mexico
  • Sonja Santelises:  Chief Executive Officer of Baltimore City Public Schools, Maryland
  • Hanna Skandera:  Former Secretary of Education, New Mexico
  • John White:  State Superintendent of Education, Louisiana
  • Antwan Wilson:  Chancellor of DC Public Schools, District of Columbia
  • Carey M. Wright:  State Superintendent of Education, Mississippi

View a map of all Chiefs for Change members.

About Chiefs for Change

Chiefs for Change is a coalition of state and district education Chiefs dedicated to excellence and equity for all students. Chiefs for Change members lead education systems serving 5.3 million students, 330,000 teachers, and 10,000 schools.