New Responsibilities
New Opportunities

Collaborating with peers is a proven model for driving stronger practice. Our community of practice pushes all members to broaden their thinking, develop more innovative approaches, and advance equity in their plans.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) gives states and districts new responsibilities, as well as opportunities, for how schools and students will be supported. This opportunity allows Chiefs to be creative, bold, and lead with courage as they work with local communities to design systems that ensure equity for all students. We are facilitating a powerful system of peer-to-peer advising for state and district Chiefs.

Our ESSA workgroup includes 30% of all state Chiefs leading education systems serving 15 million students, 1 million teachers, and 30,000 schools.


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“The school improvement paper that Chiefs for Change released this spring is the best resource I've seen on how to make the most out of ESSA on behalf of students. I've made it required reading for my entire leadership team, and we are using it as our roadmap for rethinking school improvement strategies and funding under the new law.”
Steve Canavero Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nevada


Chiefs for Change Policy Work


By offering robust technical assistance and building a community of practice, CFC supports its members to turn dialogue into bold and coordinated action. See below how transformational leaders can dramatically improve teaching and learning over the next decade, using the resources available.

Direct Student Services

Maximizing the opportunity of the provision Direct Student Services (DSS) of ESSA, to provide individual student supports such as personalized learning or access to advanced coursework.

Funding Equity

Creating practical solutions to analyze financial data and distribute resources equitably across schools and students.


Empowering members to develop and implement effective and evidence-based governance innovation strategies to support school improvement and improve student outcomes.

Indicators of School Quality

Supporting Chiefs in identifying indicators of school quality that are grounded in research, meaningful to parents, and best suited to each state’s context. Read more about ESSA & Evidence and ESSA Indicators.

Innovative Assessments

Utilizing the authority provided under the Innovative Assessment Pilot in ESSA to develop new assessments that evaluate the skills students need most to succeed in the 21st century.

Next Gen CTE

Ensuring all students are on pathways to succeed in the workforce through exemplary career and technical education.

Accountability and School Improvement

Aiding Chiefs in developing strong accountability frameworks for their systems including ambitious but achievable goals, effective indicators, and clearly aligned incentives focused on continuous improvement and dramatically improving outcomes for all students.

School Redesign

Pursuing promising and innovative strategies to school redesign to ensure equitable access to high-quality learning environments.

Stakeholder Engagement

Assisting Chiefs in developing strategic communications plans to facilitate effective stakeholder engagement.

Teacher Leadership and Advocacy

Developing strategies to support the full inclusion of teacher voice in the development and implementation of strategic plans. Using Title II funding in even more effective and innovative ways to help improve teacher and leader quality and, ultimately, increase student success.