Four state and district leaders join Chiefs for Change

Chiefs for Change
May 5, 2016

Chiefs for Change (CFC) CEO Mike Magee today announced that four new education Chiefs have joined the organization. Magee said CFC’s board unanimously approved all four new members.

John White, CFC Board Chair and Louisiana State Superintendent of Education said, “This is an especially strong group of leaders who we’re proud to have join our work to prepare all students for college and careers. In the era of ESSA, student success depends on state and district Chiefs now more than ever. These four leaders have implemented strategic, innovative policies and practices that we all can learn from.”

“One commonality among our members is that their thinking begins with students,” said Magee. “And they do the hard work of creating a culture where everyone thinks that way, where kids are the North Star. Their mission is to transform our systems—which in most cases were designed 50 or even 100 years ago—so that they serve today’s kids and tomorrow’s. Our four newest members are great representative examples of that kind of transformational leadership.”

The four new members are:

Malika Anderson: Superintendent of the Achievement School District, Tennessee
Steve Canavero: Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nevada
Lewis D. Ferebee: Superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools, Indiana
Carey M. Wright: State Superintendent of Education, Mississippi

These four Chiefs have a reputation for innovative and strategic leadership in their states and districts. They all are focused on engaging with teachers, leaders, students, and families to envision what is possible for children and school systems in this new era of American education.

Malika Anderson / Achievement School District
“I’m energized by the emphasis that Chiefs for Change members place on empowering local leadership and engaging deeply with communities to shape and propel educational improvements for students. I’m excited to join a community of practice with a wealth of leadership experience and commitment to our kids.”

Steve Canavero / Nevada
“It is very important that we work together to truly prepare our students for college and careers. I look forward to working with the other Chiefs on scaling emerging, innovative practices and preparing to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act in our state.”

Lewis D. Ferebee / Indianapolis Public Schools
“This organization understands there are diverse solutions to the various challenges our students face, and we all share a common vision of ensuring every student attends a great school. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with this dedicated group of gifted educational leaders.”

Carey M. Wright / Mississippi
“I’m thrilled to be joining forces with mission-aligned colleagues from around the country. Being able to work collaboratively with peers is invaluable, especially as we prepare our plans to continue improving student outcomes, and supporting teachers and leaders, under ESSA.”

Untitled design
Sitting Chiefs for Change Members
Stars = District Chiefs, Blue States Without Stars = State Chiefs

We now have 21 members total:

Malika Anderson: Superintendent of the Achievement School District, Tennessee
Robert Avossa: Superintendent of Palm Beach County Schools, Florida
Desmond K. Blackburn: Superintendent of Brevard County Schools, Florida
Chris Barbic: Former Superintendent of the Achievement School District, Tennessee
Tom Boasberg: Superintendent of Denver Public Schools, Colorado
Steve Canavero: Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nevada
Christopher D. Cerf: Superintendent of Newark Public Schools, New Jersey
Veronica Conforme: Chancellor of the Education Achievement Authority, Michigan
Dale Erquiaga: Former Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nevada
Lewis D. Ferebee: Superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools, Indiana
Deborah A. Gist: Superintendent of Tulsa Public Schools, Oklahoma
Kevin Huffman: Former Commissioner of Education, Tennessee; Chief In Residence, Chiefs for Change
Barbara Jenkins: Superintendent of Orange County Public Schools, Florida
Hanseul Kang: State Superintendent of Education, District of Columbia
Mike Miles: Former Superintendent of Dallas Independent School District, Texas
Mark Murphy: Former Secretary of Education, Delaware
Hanna Skandera: Secretary of Education, New Mexico
Brad Smith: Former State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Utah
John White: State Superintendent of Education, Louisiana
Antwan Wilson: Superintendent of Oakland Unified School District, California
Carey M. Wright: State Superintendent of Education, Mississippi