2020 Re-Entry Resources

Chiefs for Change

The rapid spread of the coronavirus presents unprecedented challenges in the United States and around the world. It is having profound effects on families, children, and communities. There is no blueprint for how to deal with a health crisis of this magnitude—and leaders of state and district education systems are on the front lines. They must determine how to protect the health of school communities, meet students’ basic needs, minimize disruptions, and provide academic instruction all while responding to breaking developments in real time. Supporting our chiefs, Future Chiefs, and other education leaders in this crucial moment is our top priority as an organization.

Since the end of February, we have been providing intensive supports, advising our members across the nation and connecting them with each other to share information, protocols, and strategies. Our team is also actively monitoring legislative developments as well as directives and recommendations from federal and state agencies.

This page is a curated list of resources from our members’ systems and other states and districts that we believe provides sound guidance for systems leaders in this challenging time. The page is updated regularly.

2020 Re-Entry Resources

Linked below are guidance and resources for re-entry (Updated 7.24.2020):

  • Chiefs for Change: This report explains how school systems are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and provides current information as well as a historical record of the work chiefs and their teams did immediately after the coronavirus began to spread. It is regularly updated to include how our members are redesigning nearly every aspect of schooling in an effort to protect community health and support student learning.
  • Chiefs for Change and Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy: This report, The Return: How Should Education Leaders Prepare for Reentry and Beyond, outlines relevant research and provides key recommendations for reopening K-12 schools.
  • Chiefs For Change and Grand Isle Group: School Reopening Workbook- A Tool for School Districts. This resource is a project planning tool for teams to use as a baseline 100-day work plan for operational aspects of school reopening. The work plan can be adapted to meet the individual needs of a district. The template includes various categories, such as specific roles, meeting frequency, and suggested milestones and deliverables. The work plan also outlines health and safety guardrails, detailing questions to consider to ensure the health and safety of students, employees, and families.
  • Chiefs for Change, Council of Chief State School Officers, and McKinsey & Company: Working with the Council of Chief State School Officers and the consulting group McKinsey & Company, we are creating resources for state and district leaders who are developing and implementing plans for the 2020-2021 school year. This initiative involves synthesizing, codifying, and disseminating lessons from school systems across the nation and around the world. Materials will be available after the sessions.

The 3-part series for district chiefs in preparation for reopening include the following:

  • Webinar 1 (June 25th, 2020): Practical Planning for Fall Scenarios. Webinar deck located here and recording available here.
  • Webinar 2 (July 9th, 2020): Preparedness for Fall Reopening. Webinar deck located here and recording available here; and Day In the Life Toolkit Templates located here.
  • Webinar 3 (July 23rd, 2020): Facing the Challenge: How to Monitor and Evaluate. Webinar deck located here and recording available here.

The 3-part series for state chiefs in preparation for reopening include the following:

  • Webinar 1 (July 7th, 2020): Insights from abroad and system-wide support for reopening. Webinar deck located here and recording available here.
  • Webinar 2 (July 21st, 2020): Stress-testing the Day 1 plan. Webinar deck located here and recording available here.
  • Webinar 3 (Week of August 3rd): Building a “rapid response” capability: monitoring and ongoing supports


State and District Re-Entry Resources:

2020 School Closure Guidance and Resources located here.

About Chiefs for Change
Chiefs for Change is a nonprofit, bipartisan network of diverse state and district education chiefs dedicated to preparing all students for today’s world and tomorrow’s through deeply committed leadership. Chiefs for Change advocates for policies and practices that are making a difference today for students, and builds a pipeline of talented, diverse Future Chiefs ready to lead major school systems.