Statement from Chiefs for Change on House FY18 Appropriations Bill

Chiefs for Change
July 12, 2017

Chiefs for Change, a bipartisan group of bold-thinking state and district education leaders, released the following statement on the House FY18 appropriations draft bill:

Great teachers and leaders make great schools — and need and deserve better support than they receive today. We are deeply disappointed that the House FY18 appropriations bill would eliminate funding for the Title II-A program — over $2 billion that represents the best hope for innovation in how teachers and principals develop their craft and serve students well. As our members made clear in response to the administration’s earlier budget proposals, these are critical needs, particularly as states and districts begin to implement their state ESSA plans. Although we support the modest increases for special education programs and charter schools in the draft bill, modest increases won’t make up for $2 billion lost in Title II funds. We urge members of Congress to ensure any FY18 spending bill includes robust funding for critical programs, like Title II-A, so that our members can continue to lead the country in using those funds effectively on behalf of the students and educators they serve.

Chiefs for Change is a coalition of state and district education Chiefs dedicated to excellence and equity for all students. Chiefs for Change members lead education systems serving 5.3 million students, 350,000 teachers, and 10,000 schools.