Statement on Chris Minnich’s Tenure at CCSSO

Chiefs for Change
October 23, 2017

Chiefs for Change CEO Mike Magee reacted to Chris Minnich’s announcement that he is stepping down from his role as Executive Director of CCSSO:

For the last five years, Chris Minnich has been an impactful, highly respected leader of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). He will leave the role having played a significant role in supporting the development of states’ plans under the new education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), as well as working with legislators to help shape the law itself to include an expanded opportunity for state leadership. Chris infused his deep commitment to educational equity into all aspects of CCSSO’s work, which is clearly reflected in its latest strategic plan, and he encouraged states to make equity a top priority. Undoubtedly, Chris’s strong leadership and his focus on expanding equity will be great assets in his next endeavor. I have appreciated his friendship and partnership with Chiefs for Change over the last two years as we have worked with state Chiefs on their ESSA plans.

We will continue to work closely with CCSSO as it searches for its next Executive Director, and with whoever steps into that role.



Chiefs for Change is a coalition of state and district education Chiefs dedicated to excellence and equity for all students. Chiefs for Change members lead education systems serving 5.3 million students, 330,000 teachers, and 10,000 schools. Learn more on our website: