Statement on Phase 3 Stimulus Package Deal

Chiefs for Change

Chiefs for Change, a bipartisan network of state and district education leaders who oversee systems that collectively serve more than 7 million students, today released the following statement:

The deal reached between congressional leaders and the White House for the phase 3 stimulus package provides $13.5 billion for K-12 education with an additional $3 billion for education to be used at governors’ discretion. This is an important step as schools, students, and families struggle to cope with the wide-ranging impacts of COVID-19. Though more federal assistance for our nation’s schools will be needed in the weeks and months to come, we applaud Congress and the administration for working in a bipartisan manner to reach an agreement.

Fifty-five million children are now out of school. New funding and flexibility will help K-12 systems begin to address the extraordinary needs stemming from the pandemic. We are pleased that the measure allows funds to be used for, among other things, expanded technology and connectivity; additional staff, counseling, and critical services; and robust summer school programs and other extended learning opportunities.

Our chiefs pledge that their systems, to the best of their ability and capacity, will use the resources to serve all students, especially those who are most vulnerable, including children with disabilities, English learners, students from low-income families, immigrant students, and those experiencing homelessness. We urge other state and district leaders to join us in this commitment.